Friday, July 25, 2003

My need to have a day off, totally free of responsibilities and obligations, is becoming more and more urgent.

What is keeping me so busy, you might ask. How about:
  • plans for an office move at The Treehouse
  • regular, ongoing Treehouse maintenance, along with the "fix-this-cause-doesn't-work-like-it-used-to" kind of stuff
  • Treehouse plan-for-the-future-or-you'll-get-bit-in-the-gluteals-real-soon kind of stuff
  • ferrying kids to and fro
  • training for the triathlon on August 3rd (nine days away - yikes!)
  • work, work and more work
  • making plans for an up-coming trip to Greece, where Jenn will be running a marathon
  • regular housekeeping stuff
  • worry about our dog who's getting old and having some real problems keeping food down. I fear the time may be near ....
  • Geek and Co. work, which seems to suddenly have risen from the dead
  • freaking out about the triathlon because I want to do well and the distances are looming larger
  • efforts to be a good dad and husband, spending just a little time hanging out with my family
I sense an upcoming lull in the hoopla towards the end of August.

God, please give me the wisdom and presence of mind not to fill up my own calendar during that time.

Thank you.

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