Monday, September 08, 2003

A number of things combined to signal the end of summer for me.
  • evenings have been appearing in our back year earlier and earlier - often before I'm done all my outdoor things for the day
  • my first season of triathlon competition is drawing to a close. The last race is this weekend, and today I was told by the race director that it was "not a competitive event."
  • homework and extra-curricular lessons now fill the cooler, darker evenings for the kids
  • our local outdoor pool is now drained and being prepared for hibernation
  • school has started for elementary and university students alike
  • the old farts swim team I belong to has started up for the season
  • today was a cool, cool day - much cooler than yesterday's 30+ heat and stuffiness
  • I felt that long pants would be appropriate today
I know that we are not done with lovely, warm afternoons, or outdoor exercise opportunities or barbecues or time sitting on my deck in a t-shirt and shorts, listening to people play in the park behind our house, ... but the essence of summer - the long evenings and carefree, vacation feel that come along with them have been folded up like lawn chairs and put into the shed for the rest of the year.

Not that I'm dreading the approaching fall and winter. I'm sure they'll hold some fun of their own. I just have a special place in my heart for all that summer means.

It sure was a great summer.

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