- Cons
- an early morning, starting with a bus from a far-from-home-meeting-place to the golf course at 7:15 am.
- a day of heavy drinking, starting (most likely) on the bus trip to the course and lasting into the evening
- a day of golf, which I neither particularly enjoy or am good at
- I'll be in the company of people I don't know, all of which will be eventually drunk and likely obnoxious
- some sort of sales pitch and rah-rah speech for Sprint Canada - after all they *are* paying the bill
- lots of hokey Sprint Canada trinkets and gee gaws
- arrive back home, tired and late, to a grumpy and feeling-left-out family
- potential football head the next day from drinking
- a whole day of things to do backed up in the pipes at work
Pros - a day spent outside, walking in the sun (so says Darr Maqbool) occasionally interrupted by golf
- the knowledge that I've gone on vendor-sponsored junkets before and had a great time
So, what would you do?
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